Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Week of Class

I am excited to announce that I did survive my first week in my 2nd year IARC studio. After going through this first week I have had a little dosage as to what to expect for the rest of the year. I have heard before that 2nd year is the hardest and it is there to "weed out" the people that are not serious about this career. After 19 years I know myself very well. Since a very young age I have contemplated different versions of design and I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life and I know second year as well as third, fourth and fifth years are going to be difficult, but worth the outcome. These next few years will help me develop my skills even further and I am really excited to start this year off on a positive note and think of homework more as something to help further my skills.

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