Sunday, September 21, 2008

Communicate: Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla Marketing is the process of taking something that people will explore daily and developing it into an advertising product.

Community Outreach:

In reaching out to the community our group wanted to have a centralized sculpture that was a landmark for everything else. This sculpture is to incorporate something that the community would continue to pass on lee street and turn around a question the meaning behind the structure. In there search they will find that it leads back to the interior architecture studio. The sculpture is very important in this proposal, but we didn't want to limit ourselves, so we connected all of our other proposals back to this idea.

People:This is a diagram showing how word of mouth will be used throughout town and eventually, hopefully around United States and even the world.


In the photo above we marked a location where alot of our guerrilla marketing would take place. The depot is the heart of the Greensboro transit system, so in order to connect with the rest of Greensboro, why not penetrate at the very epicenter? here we would conduct fundraisers to "sell" our products, which include food, pens, stickers, flyer's-all completely free.

1.) bumper sticker 2.) chocolate candy bar 3.) "wu-wu" t-shirt

Our team thought that by focusing on a single icon and logo, and replicating that in all the marketing, would be the best way to catch people’s attention. The object we chose to use was a sculpture, and what better thing to use than a “wu-wu” to catch every ones eye.
The part of marketing that I focused on was our products. We thought by having a variety of products we would be able to cater to more people rather than focusing on a single product that may only cater to a few peoples needs. So, I made apparel such as t-shirts, bumper stickers, candy and chocolate bars, pens and coffee mugs. By doing this we hope to have everyone, everywhere saying, “what’s a wu-wu”?

1.) chewy candy 2.) "wu-wu" pen with logo 3.) coffee mug with wu-wu IAR logo

Print Materials

These two sketches are our ideas for posters, or handouts that could be handed out, or placed in local coffee shops, or even left with the tip when you are out to dinner. The main idea behind these logos is to attach them to the back of many local companies, shops and public buildings restroom stalls. Our group members all decided that when you are on the toilet there is not much else occupying your time and that you were more likely to pay attention to an add in this manner.


This is a clip that we were going to use to somewhat introduce our idea and the humor it has within the IARC program.


This is an example of the sculpture we were planning on building. It would set somewhere that many people would often walk past and question what it is. Eventually they would find out either by looking at the sculpture and analyzing it or many of the other forms of marketing that we have planned.

My Groups Members for this Project Consists of: Ben Adams, Ashleigh Neitzel, Laura Snoderly

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