Monday, December 10, 2007

Sustaniable Design

I love this structure. I think everything about this idea is beautiful. Not only doe it add character to an environment, but it helps out the atmosphere as well. Everything from the carbon dioxide levels to color make this project a sustainable element.
Featured in The Green Guide to NeoCon 2007.

This product is made out of entirely recycled materials. The materials include plastic rubber and other random pieces. This is such a great production because not only is it helping the environment, but it looks extremely attractive to others. This is a very sustainable design and I take much pride in its work.
Featured in The Green Guide to NeoCon 2007.

This company specializes in making homes more defensible to moisture. Along with moisture comes mold and other types of bacteria. This production helps make the residency more homey and overall a healthier lifestyle for everyone.
Advertised in Green Source July 2007
Featured in The Green Guide to NeoCon 2007.

This linoleum is quite special. Not only is it durable and easy to maintain, but made from naturally renewable sources. This helps not only the environment, but us. The pieces are easy to put in yourself and will save time and money. This is a very sustainable source of material to use on future projects.
Featured in The Green Guide to NeoCon 2007.

This feature is one I thought very interesting. It allows for flooring made out of the bark of cork oak trees. With this production no trees are ever cut down with the intention of making this flooring, but they are the left overs from other productions. They are also considered sound proof making your apartment living much better for the homes below you.
Featured in Environmental Design and Construction April 2007.

Based in Pennsylvania, Roof gardens are becoming more and more popular. They not only create a beautiful roof display, but they also very affordable. They are far less then the costs of "normal" gardens and they also help improve the earth's atmosphere. Creating an easier breathing environment for everyone and a greener place to live.
Featured in Environmental Design and Construction April 2007.

The InterfaceFlor Commercial I read about was very intriguing. It told the viewer in the advertisement about the brand and the qualities of it. This company uses both nylon and PLA a renewable corn based fiber that helps conserve the products of the earth. I think it is a very sustainable idea and will hopefully be used for years to come.
Appeared in Environmental Design and Construction February 2007.

The DuPont company located in the outskirts of my hometown, in Wilmington, Delaware has also added a sustainable resource. They have decided to produce solid surface materials that cater to food elements. This new type of material is also fire rated, making it safer to in homes. This is a great addition to sustainable design in homes.
Appeared in Environmental Design and Construction February 2007.

Light Shelf products have also been made to keep energy saved. This product was made with the intention of cutting down not only energy, the the cost of it too. The shelf was designed to allow light to continue and come into the room while something is placed on it. It also allows viewers from the outside to look in a wonder what the object is that is on the shelf. This is very friendly for an office space, but also a home or other type of facility.
Appeared in Environmental Design and Construction February 2007.

Fluorescent light fixtures are another element that has been improved and now they are suitable for offices and interiors. This new product has the lighting balanced and fixed. I think this is a good step for the environment because it makes us more cautious of the energy that we use everyday on minute projects. It will helpfully become more popular allowing the environment to be friendlier by the day.
Appeared in Environmental Design and Construction February 2007.

Safecoat is a type of paint that is proven to be sustainable. The paint is named Scientific Certification Systems Indoor Advantage Gold Certified. It is not Toxic and the chemicals have low VOC's. This paint is just a small change that can be made to make your design more environmentally friendly.
Found in Environmental Design and Construction February 2007

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